- Written by ZILA GmbH
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Intelligent, decentralised climate control thanks to flexible actuator selection
The space to be ventilated can be extended to several rooms by taking clever additional measures. Controlled ventilation is particularly interesting for the modernisation and renovation of existing properties in the private and commercial sector, as this solution can be upgraded with comparatively low financial and constructional expenditure. In addition, the KfW bank offers funding opportunities for energy-efficient ventilation that is adjusted to the concerned building. However, there are many reasons for using decentralised ventilation systems:
- Protection and conservation of the building fabric
- Prevention of mould formation
- Assistance in eliminating moisture damage
- Controlled room dehumidification and automatic cellar dehumidification
- Domestic ventilation according to DIN1946-6 in the living area and the basement in order to achieve a good air quality
- Preservation of a constant climate to protect the valuables in museums and archives
- Server and compressor room cooling
- Energy-efficient room ventilation and utilisation of heat recovery effects
- and many more
Planning decentralised ventilation
On the one hand, the challenge in planning decentralised ventilation lies in the structural conditions, including technical feasibility (floor plan, historic preservation, applicable ventilation systems), and, on the other hand in energy efficiency requirements. Up to now, such a concept has consisted of separately operating ventilation or dehumidification devices for the supply and exhaust air (fans, drying devices, window openers), which ideally consider the indoor climate of the room to be ventilated. The air introduced may therefore be inappropriate in terms of temperature and humidity and, in the worst case, have the exact opposite effect.
Energy-efficient ventilation
A much more energy-efficient and reliable solution is an intelligent indoor climate control system that also takes the outdoor climate into account, which in turn makes controlled ventilation possible.
Please check out our theme page aH-Controlled for further information on the relation of humidity and temperature.
The climate control acts as an intelligent switch or as a speed regulator. Different supply and exhaust air elements are automatically controlled according to the given climatic conditions by comparing the absolute humidity of the indoor and outdoor climate. In this way, moister outside air is prevented from flowing in.
Such a solution is particularly flexible, as any connected actuators can be selected to suit the specific application.
Actuators for room ventilation, cooling and dehumidification
Equipped with a well thought-out connection technology, a huge variety of applications and fields can be covered.
The following actuators can be connected:
- One-step fans (230V)
- Two-step fans (230V)
- Speed controlled fans (0…10V)
- Fans with heat recovery
- Ventilation flaps (48V)
- Electric window openers or chain drives
In addition, the following supporting devices can be connected, depending on the application:
- Drying devices
- Cooling units
- Heating registers, electric heating
- Multi-leaf dampers
- Ventilation valves
- Roof flaps
Advantages of decentralised ventilation with an external climate control:
- Retrofitting is possible almost everywhere
- Easy and quick commissioning and installation
- Standard 230V and 0...10V actuators selectable for connection
- Climate control can be adapted to the application through a parameter setting
- Optimised ventilation for maximum energy savings
- User-independent, controlled ventilation, cooling and dehumidification, depending on application
You are not sure whether the climate control KST-20 is applicable for your concepts and ideas? Let us find out together! Ask us your questions! We will be pleased to advise you - free of charge and without any obligation.
Your contact options:
Sales and consulting: +49 3681 86730 20
Contact form: Get your customised offer right here!